samedi 22 mars 2008

Taking a birthday celebration hiatus

March 22, 1955

This is an important date. 53 years ago today, my parents-in-law, François and Colo, became parents with the birth of their first in Saigon, Audouin Georges Marie de Lanète David de Floris, named for a paternal uncle (and practically no one else in France) who was killed in the Second World War, his maternal grandfather, and nearly everyone in France, respectively. A career naval officer, my father-in-law commanded a river boat during the war in Indochina as did Senator John Kerry when the Americans took their turn in re-baptized Vietnam a decade later. They returned to France to have 7 more, Jean, Arnaud, Marie-Hélène, Pascal, Hugues, Anne Sophie and Quentin.

I complain a lot about my husband, but don't pay too much attention. I love him.

I took this picture of Audouin near the end of our 2-week tour of Corsica by motorcycle -- our BMW 1200 KLT -- in September 2004. After a first week under the burning Corsican sun in a cloudless sky, the clouds gathered, and it rained a bit our last three days, including a soaking rain our next to last night camping just outside Propriano. Hence, the rain gear and the rather weary head for our morning coffee. I still love this picture.

I have to go get ready to drive into Paris. He still doesn't know where we are going because Sam and I decided to keep the secret until we arrive, and he starts to figure it out, but we are taking him to see Daniel Auteuil in Molière's L'Ecole des Femmes au Théâtre de l'Odéon. It's been sold out for weeks and finishes its run next Saturday. Sam discovered that he loves Molière, who he ranks as superior to Shakespeare for comic theater -- but Sam sees no purpose for any other than comedy -- when I took him to see the Théâtre Régional des Pays de la Loire's production of Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme in Vernon . It was only Sam's second year here, I wasn't sure how he would handle the language of Molière, and he complained about going all the way to the theater, but he loved it. He sat leaning forward in his seat with his elbows on his knees, and, incredibly, often he laughed before the French.

Sam now owns every one of Molières plays in individual folios, "because they are easier to carry around and read, Mom." He has been talking about theater and film again lately, saying that he owes his personality to television (Arrested Development, Family Guy, Scrubs, The Office, etc., not American Idol and Laguna Beach). But, I am hors sujet.

After the theater, we are taking him for a late dinner at one of the last independently owned brasseries in Paris, Le Grand Colbert on the rue Vivienne, just behind the Palais Royal. A Lillet blanc, oysters and champagne sound good to me, but if I know Sam and Audouin, it will be medium rare and red, both the meat on the plate and the wine!

Well, not medium rare, the wine, but you understand...

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Scrubs is terrible.