mardi 8 juillet 2008

July, it's official


(Yes, the picture is from just a few minutes ago.
You may feel quite sorry for us.)

This will make five Julys that the month begins shrouded in clouds and rain. I would say, "and ends", but I am attempting to be optimistic.

Worse, my nephew is visiting Paris in these lousy atmospheric conditions. At least they had the Musée d'Orsay in mind.

Update: They are visiting the area around the Louvre, the Palais Royale, meeting my brother-in-law for lunch in a Corsican restaurant near his offices at the Bank of France, and then heading to the Orsay, which is, unlike the Musée du Louvre, open on Tuesday.

Weather update: The luminosity if increasing. The clouds might open. It is supposed to be nicer in the evening.

Interpersonal update: American nephew has quite good understanding of French, is willing to speak some, and will surely only be more and more willing. French nephew talks in English as fast and as completely as any 16-year-old does in French, only with far fewer four-letter words! Making allowances for excitement of arrival, exhaustion from jet-lag, which is worse coming from the States as opposed to from Europe, Justin appears to be quite at-ease.

He was very enthusiastic about going to Versailles (as opposed to coming out to Moose-sucks to see his dear Aunt) yesterday, which impressed Anne-so. We met up in the gardens, going in by the free gates down by the Great Canal, since everyone was arriving late, and to our delight we found the whole garden open to us at no charge! There was a spectacularly dramatic sky, with the West facade of the château alight bright evening sunshine against impossibly dark, steely blue clouds, and Justin used over 1 Gig of his memory card there alone! (He'll download, of course.)

And now, I must run, stopping only to say that Pips and Sam will likely shoot video later with Bessie, and, Peggy, I have not improved my skills at saving young birds, or any birds.

He made it through the afternoon and evening, but he drew his last breath and left this world, after so brief a stay, during the night.

And the rain falls in the fish basin.

Happy Birthday, Mom.

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