vendredi 6 mars 2009


Yes! I just bought our tickets to ColdPlay "Vida la Viva!" at le Parc des Princes September 7! We'll have never looked forward to la rentrée, even before the end of the current season of misery that is Sam's school year. We went to the concert at Bercy last September, on the 10th. Oh, it seems like yesterday (sung to the tune of "Yellow". It works. Go ahead, try it.)

Yeah, I went for broke and got the best places left available, which are the second to best.

Sam told me while we were away that he wanted to get them for us for my birthday in September, but it would have been nearly 200 euros, so I splurged and included Audouin for both of our birthdays, Sam's and mine. We'll have to take two motorcycles.

I cannot wait.

I cannot wait.

I cannot wait.

Cold Play under the stars, and "Lovers in Japan"... all over again.

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow

Excuse me, I have to go practice my best sing-a-long voice for the stadium performance. Even Beaker seems cooler with Chris Martin's voice coming from him. Uh, sort of.

Yeah, they were all yellow...


8 commentaires:

F. M. a dit…

Coldplay is very freqently on my garden CD player -- "Parachutes" & "A Rush of Blood to the Head" are all that I have. I don't have garden music (except NPR) until around dix-sept heures (beer o'clock, or merlot o'clock) It's eclectic usually, blues, jazz, old country, the Nouveaux Honkies (we talked with the Honkies in Peansacola when they played and we stayed at the Paradise Inn (she has tatoos all over son beau corps (enough of that, F. M.!))), etc. J'aim bien mon des musique du soir.

Sisyphe a dit…

I don't suppose I ever mentioned that I missed this concert.

It's still a difficult memory about which to talk.

I hardly ever listen to music. I am either too lazy to actually go put a CD in the player, or I prefer the quiet. Not that it is very quiet with a bunch of frogs and birds around.

I had a guest this last week, who has been saying for a year how much she looked forward to being back in my garden. However, the birdsong in the morning was an issue. Happily she had ear plugs. The spiders and "cousins" -- "insecte à longues pattes grêles, très répandu dans les pays marécageux, connu pour son bourdonnement importun et pour la piqûre désagréable et contagieuse de la femelle" -- were an issue. Happily, I could tell her that we must never have had a female in the garden or a guest room yet.

How is it that people can love the country so, while they dislike everything that comes with it so much?

F. M. a dit…

The only time I listen to music is the evening garden, and sometimes Austin City Limits. About 15 years ago I stopped listening to music in cars. I would drive to Raleigh, NC (10 hours) for NORTEL training, listening only to French tapes for an hour or so. My daily commute is sometimes French CD's, but I have recently taken up harmonica to pass drive time... and it is relaxing. I do get a lot of looks from other commuters.

I'm sorry you missed the concert. I saw them on ACL -- very nice.

I wish I had frogs in my garden, but it's too dry, and I don't have ponds...yet.

Your visitor wouldn't have liked our mocking birds -- they sing all night during most of the summer. Of course, we AC so we don't really hear their songs. Our biggest pests are mosquitos and ticks... but that is part of it... I'll take the aggravation in order to be outside.

I translated everything (w/help from ma dictionnaire) except "contagieuse de la femelle" -- q'est-ce que c'est? google returned only two hits and it contained your phrases describing your guest's issues.

Sisyphe a dit…

"la piqûre désagréable et contagieuse de la femelle" translates as "the female's disagreeable and contagious bite".

I did get to see Coldplay the year before, however, at Bercy. I wanted to take my son again, and my husband that time... I messed up the dates and ended up arriving at an empty and silent street before an equally empty and silent stadium, two nights too late.

Harmonica in the commute -- priceless.

ACL, a favorite with the Austin branch of the Sisyphe family, which is, I think, in Austin because of things like ACL.

F. M. a dit…

Ah, my amateurishness is showing. I was trying to make a noun of "contagieuse", overlooking it didn't have an article preceding it. So it's describing the piqure of the femelle maringouins, I understand les males ne boire que jus de fruits... comme merlot. What is the origin of these French passages about the swampy land? I only get two hits on google. I'm at work & limited.

On Coldplay... things like that happen...

The music scene in Austin is great, I understand.

Sisyphe a dit…

This is the link for the definition of "cousin" -- Look at definition A, in this case, not B.

Now, where have you heard that the males drink only jus de fruits? I fear a joke I am overlooking! It was always my understanding that the males boivent du sang!

F. M. a dit…

Je suis au boulot... I head for home in about 1 1/2 hours. Googling I find that both male & female moustiques feed on jus de fruits pour nourishment. The female needs blood to form eggs, ergo, females are the most frequent biters. Some say the males get blood sometimes, but they are mostly juicitarians, nectarians.

I looked at definition A. I feel like I'm missing something... It seems like an excellent site, and causes me to learn new words; I don't totally understand "parent abusif."

Sisyphe a dit…

"parent abusif" refers to pain in the ass relatives, "parent" meaning "relative" and "abusif" meaning just what it sounds like, "abusive"!