dimanche 10 octobre 2010

The beginning of it all

Rest time

It would be a bit of an exaggeration to call it naptime. It lasted about 5 minutes and the Energizer Bunny was up and toddling about again, worrying me that she'll nibble on a succulent edge of gypsum board or faire un p'tit pipi là où il ne le faut pas.

I have been up since before the first light, and have had two brief walks (this produced two pipis, but did not prevent a popo là où il ne le faut pas), fed the dogs (the plural is so nice), made my breakfast, done some laundry, had a cup of tea and another of coffee, done my toenails, found some kind of a lump under the skin on Rapide's neck (we have an appointment at the vet Tuesday) and made a fire in the fireplace, watched Tony Elias become the world champion in the category Moto 2, and it's only 9:18 am.

Had I known how productive I can be with a puppy -- had I remembered, that is -- I might have gotten one every year!

Today, we are meeting the parents of our eldest son's girlfriend, who are visiting from Numea before traveling on to NYC. Monsieur is a vétérinaire and, I am assured, will be enchanté if we bring along the petite Fia. We are expected for a drink before lunch , and then we have reservations on the terrasse of Les Fables de la Fontaine. Another wonderful restaurant by Christian Constant in a row of them along the rue Saint Dominique. You only meet your child's "in-laws" for the first time once, best to do it in style.

And, my philosophy for eating out? It had better be an awful lot better than what I can do at home, and that is worth paying something for.

Time to get Sam up and do his grocery shopping before I dress to go.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Christian Constant no longer owns Fables de la Fontaine, he has sold it to his former chef de cuisine. It is very nice, was there in the spring with my dad. KL

Sisyphe a dit…

Indeed, you are correct. Thank you.

Their own web site states:

Le restaurant les Fables de la Fontaine est né de la rencontre entre David Bottreau
et Sébastien Gravé.

Après avoir travaillé ensemble pour Christian Constant au Violon d'Ingres, le maître d'hôtel parisien et le chef basque, devenus amis, décident de conjuguer leurs savoir-faire complémentaires en créant les Fables.

Tout d'abord associés à Constant, le duo prend son envol en septembre 2009.

Les valeurs qu'ils partagent sont celles que l'on retrouve dans le rugby, sport fétiche de Sébastien :
la convivialité, l'amitié, le travail d'équipe et le respect des produits.