mercredi 3 juin 2009

On Broadway

I have to run to Florosny for stuff to kill the grubs (they're everywhere I haven't treated yet, feasting lustily on my plants) and a connector thing for the hose so I can water the bottom of the garden (the hydrangeas look like a sorry lot of thirsty, ignored plants, which they have been until I got busy down there yesterday, weeding and pruning), so I thought I'd leave some visual material of my previous number 2 subject matter (just after our renovations -- hold tight, we're supposedly live and online in July! -- and before the garden) -- Barack Obama turned POTUS and his Michelle, becoming in black and as First Lady.

The Republicans are just a little bit jealous because they wouldn't be able to get a table at Blue Hill. They don't serve Red Hill politicians.

Is the choice of a restaurant by that name loaded or what?

Also, I'm not sure Les Mis is still running now that they are out of office.

Oh, it's back, it seems. Since 2006. Running, perhaps, as recent US social commentary?

Of course, in true form, the Repugs are diverting attention from the significance of the Obama's evening out, beyond the critical importance of the First Couple supporting cultural expression and learning, namely, the subject of Joe Turner's play Come and Gone -- the scars left by slavery -- and the importance of the nation's first president with African ancestry and his wife, an African American, attending.

They're certainly also feeling a little hostile because they know their leaders would be pummeled with organically grown tomatoes anywhere near New York City, let alone Greenwich Village, while the Obamas are served them, and fiddleheads, with gratitude, joy and pride.

We might also mention the tiny little fact that if the Obamas have enjoyed, and perhaps even encouraged, the parallels with Camelot, there is a terrifyingly possible one they face with grace and courage, living publicly and beyond the protection of the White House walls and the limousine's bullet-proof windows to remain visible and participant role models and reminders that no one cannot become President or First Spouse if, as Michelle Obama tells an assembly of girls and young women in the UK on her first official visit to their school, they work hard, in school and after, and live with passion.

Keep on, Obamas.

I think I'll get a new dress and ask my husband to take me out tonight.

1 commentaire:

Mom a dit…

Beautifully written. Another that belongs in the NYTimes as an op-ed piece, or, at least, a letter to the editor.