mardi 18 août 2009

The Great American Lie: a whole bay of pigs

"From the 1961 Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against Socialized Medicine as proposed by the Democrats, then a private citizen Ronald Reagan Speaks out against socialized medicine. There is no video because this was an LP sent out by the American Medical Association."

wyattmcintyre, member

Here is the plan for the construction of the Great American Myth. How strange that the year 1961 appears again. The year of Obama's birth. My own. Kennedy was in the White House. The US launched The Bay of Pigs. Communism was our Enemy, Socialism its basic political and economic philosophy.

Now it's finally time for the deconstruction of the Great American Lie.

Leave your country, my fellow Americans, to better see the truth. You're too close to the source of the power behind the lie. You've bought Capitalism with a Capital C's great fallacy, hook, line and sinker, and it's going to take you down.

Socialism is not communism. Socialism is not the enemy of Capitalism. They are partners working for a single goal: the augmentation of the wealth of society, and its equitable redistribution. No one ever said "equitable" is "equal".

The balance is ours to determine, but it always involves thinking critically about our leaders' motivations and their success at generating wealth for everyone, from the least to the greatest among us.

The larger and more complex the society, the more difficult it is to act together to bring the pressure needed to bear on the leadership when it has betrayed the interests of the lesser among us, who need representation and power. It's only a non-zero-sum game if the members of society stand up for themselves and make sure that their leaders distribute the wealth we produce.

France has many faults. One of them is not our, the United States of America's, greatest, the betrayal of society by private interests and their lobbies in the name of the unfettered free market.

Any 12-year-old here understands the meaning of "solidarity". We cheered when Lech Walesa named his party for it and brought democracy to Poland. We just chose to see it differently in our great American hypocrisy then?

That 12-year-old here can rebut Reagan, point for point. I'll give it a go as soon as I finish some more work for the house renovation, and feel free to join in with your own in the comments. make it a movement in a new American symphony, reclaiming the words stolen and soiled by US private interests and their henchmen, the lobbies.

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